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Retirement Planning

Helping hard workers over age 50 
NOT get killed by taxes in retirement

Get Your Retirement Checkup

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You're Over Age 50

And you have some questions on your mind...


"Am I actually on track for the life I want?"


"How do I turn my investments into retirement paychecks?"


"How could I reduce my taxes in retirement?"

Find Your Retirement Answers Here

As Seen In

Marcus Blanchard is a fee-only, fiduciary Certified Financial Planner and is proud to run a completely independent financial planning & investment firm.

That means no pushy sales tactics, no hidden sales quotas, and no costly commissions for products you probably didn't need in the first place. 

It's about time you got custom, fee-only advice & guidance tailored for your situation.

Located in Pleasant Grove, UT and serving clients online/virtually across the nation.

Interested in Working Together?

Here's what it looks like:

Introductory Chat

A free 20-30 minute call with no obligations to answer your questions and learn more about your situation. At the end, we'll be able to determine if we're a good fit to work together and how to start working towards solving your problem. 

Discovery Call

This is where we dig more into how you view the world and what important goals you have, to begin building the right recommendations for you. We also start organizing the nuts & bolts of your financial life to conduct a deep-dive analysis of your current situation. 

Plan Delivery

Where the rubber meets the road! Together, we review your specific action plan to help move you closer to your goals through: 

  • Bolstering your retirement 
  • Improving your investments 
  • Reducing your lifetime tax bill 

Get Started Now

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